What is Google My Business?


Google My Business is also known as Google Local Listing or Google Business Listing. It is actually a Google platform where you can list your business and promote it locally. And the process of listing your business on this platform is called Google Business Listing.

Therefore, Google My Business (GMB) is a platform that allows us to list our business. But to do that, your company needs to have a body and a business name. After you are listed on Google My Business, Google will verify your business by sending a PIN to your business address, and your business registration will be confirmed.

While there are many benefits to listing your website on Google My Business, the best is that you can easily find local customers, use this address to connect with customers, get reviews from them They will then send your location and availability to your company. customer.

By the way, there are many benefits to creating a business listing on the Google My Business platform. And if I'm going to tell you the benefits, I should also tell you how to create a Google Business account and list your business there.

How can I do SEO on my Google Business website?

Also write a password in the description

When you create a GMB account, you must also write a description for it. Where you need to write about your business. Therefore, you also include keywords in the description so that your business account keywords can be optimized and ranked on Google.

Keep your Google My Business photos up to date

You can upload a photo to GMB. Upload your business location, events, product photos, or business-related photos to Google My Business. And update the pictures from time to time, that is adding more pictures. To notify Google that relevant activity is still taking place in your business. This has a good effect on your business profile and also increases your ranking.

You can earn 100% by completing every step in Google My Business

Follow and complete all steps when creating a Google My Business account. Fill in all the requested information to get a 100% rating on the Google My Business platform, this will strengthen your business profile and help you rank.

Registering on B2B Business Listing Sites

List your business on B2B Listing Sites. When registering on any B2B Platform, remember to include the name, description and address you entered in your Google My Business account. The more you register on B2B Platforms, the stronger your profile will be.

Feedback from Customers

Always complete customer reviews. Every time you have a customer, ask them to leave a review on Google Maps. It's  important for your business for rank on google. If possible, give positive feedback, even if the customer is writing a review based on their own experience.

Respond to The Reviews

Whenever a customer leaves a review, you must resond to the review. This is an important factor for your Google My Business SEO. If there are also negative reviews, ask why and correct them.

Write unique content on your Google My Business website and put words on it
Google also offers a free business website by launching one. Everyone can see this. Link to this page and write Special Content. This will help improve your SEO and help you rank higher in Google. Make sure you include keywords in your content and write about your company and its products or services.

Google My Business

Whether your business is online or offline, being on Google My Business is important. Not only will it increase business, but it will make it easier for people to visit your site. If your business is listed on Google My Business, customers are less likely to trust you.


Google My Business has revolutionized the way businesses manage their online presence, especially for small and local businesses. It's features effectively, businesses can significantly improve their visibility, trust and customer engagement in the digital realm. The online market continues to grow, the adoption of platforms such as Google My Business is becoming not only an option. But a necessity for businesses that want to succeed in an environment today's competitor.

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