Types and use of Robots


A robot is a programmable machine designed to perform a series of tasks autonomously or semi autonomously, typically. The ability to interact with its environment. Robots can come in many different shapes and sizes from industrial robots used in manufacturing to household robots such as vacuum cleaners or lawn mowers.

Type of Robots

Articulated Robots.
Cartesian Robots.
Collaborative Robots.
SCARA Robots.
Cylindrical Robots.
Delta Robots.
Polar Robots.

Articulated Robot

A synthetic robot is a type of industrial robot that has several joints or parts similar to a human arm. These connections are typically connected by rotary or linear actuators allowing the robot to move in multiple directions with flexibility and precision. Internal robots are widely used in manufacturing and assembly processes. Where they can perform tasks such as welding, painting, electroplating and assembly with high speed and precision. They are often equipped with hand tools that allow them to efficiently perform specific tasks. The robots built are programmable and can be controlled manually or automatically to perform a wide range of tasks in various industries.

Cartesian robots

A Cartesian robot also known as a crawler robot or Cartesian coordinate robot is a type of mechanical robot. That operates in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. Unlike artificial robots that use rotary joints for locomotion Cartesian robots typically consist of linear actuators that move along the X, Y and Z axes.

Cartesian robots are commonly used in areas where linear motion precision is required such as pick and place operations, material handling, CNC machines, 3D printing and inspection projects. They are known for their smoothness, precision and ability to handle heavy loads. Compared to other types of robots, Cartesian robots can be easier to program and control, making them suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.

Collaborative Robots

Collaborative robots commonly called robots are a type of robotic system designed to work alongside humans in the workplace. Unlike traditional industrial robots. Which often work in warehouses and tend to be isolated from human operators due to safety concerns, collaborative robots are designed to interact with humans seamlessly.

Collaborative robots are used in industries such as manufacturing, defence, healthcare, agriculture and more. Where they can improve productivity, efficiency and safety in the workplace by following workers a person performing repetitive or time consuming tasks.


SCARA means Manual Selection of Robot Assembly. SCARA machines are a type of industrial robot known for their rigid horizontal arm. Which typically operates in a vertical plane. It's designed to perform quick and thorough pick up and roll up operations.

SCARA robots are widely used in industries such as electronics manufacturing, vehicle assembly, pharmaceutical import and packaging. Where they excel in tasks such as pick and place, retail, delivery and export. It's valued for its speed, efficiency and versatility in different work environments.

Cylindrical Robot

A cylindrical robot is a type of industrial robot characterized by its circular working area and arm structure. Unlike some other types of robots, such as SCARA (Compatible Assembly Robot Arm) or Cartesian robots. Which operate on a flat plane or Cartesian coordinate system rotary robots usually have a pivot joint at their base that gives them allowed to wrap their arms around. themselves.

In general rotary robots offer a simple and cost effective method for applications that require rotary motion and work in a rotary workplace. They are widely used in industries such as automotive manufacturing, electronic assembly and food processing.

Delta Robot

The delta robot is a type of parallel robot known for its unique design with three arms attached to a common platform. The arms are usually arranged in a triangular shape similar to the Greek letter "delta" hence the name "delta robot". The ends or arms are attached to the ends of these arms.
Delta robots are widely used in industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceutical, electronics and consumer goods. Where they excel in tasks such as sorting, packing, assembling and handling. Their combination of speed, accuracy and flexibility make them a popular choice for a variety of industrial applications.

Polar Robot

A Polar robot also known as a cold assembly robot or polar manipulator is a type of industrial robot that operates in a cold assembly system. Unlike Cartesian robots which use linear (X, Y, Z) axes for motion, centroid robots use rotational axes (usually called theta or θ and rho or ρ) to describe their motion.
These field robots are finding applications in industries such as automotive manufacturing, electronic assembly, medical device manufacturing and laboratories. They offer advantages such as flexibility, precision and the ability to access hard to reach areas, making them. Valuable tools for automation and robotics in various fields.


Robots represent a remarkable fusion of technology, engineering and artificial intelligence. The potential to revolutionize various aspects of human society. The types of robots have been explained. The specialty of robots and their types of work have been explained.

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